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  Web Link Hits
ABY - An Atlas of Memory Images
An archive of the images contained in treatises on the art of memory of the XVI Century and memory images employed in different sectors of medieval and Renaissance culture (the visual arts, literature, mystical and devotional practices, etc.).
The Dream in Renaissance Literature and Visual Arts
An archive of literary texts and visual images that narrate or describe dreams.
The Italian National Broadcasting RAI Educationa
  European Community  (4)
  Digital Libraries  (17)
  Grid Computing  (21)
  Software Engineering  (18)
  Cultural Heritage  (1)
  Candidate Information Collections to support the Use Cases - ImpECt Scenario  (6)
   Candidate Information Collections to support the Use Cases - ARTE Scenario (3)

DILIGENT is an Integrated Project funded in part by the European Commission FP6 IST Programme Read more...

Image and content sources, among others include : ESA Web Portal, Scuola Normale Superiore Image Gallery.