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I&S Experiment        

The I&S Experimentation is a hands-on, step-by-step experimentation on the standards, technologies  and best practices for providing advanced search facilities, through a web-based interface on top of a Grid / gLite-enabled infrastructure.

Web Link: (username: diligent, password: diligent).

Index and Search experimentation covers a wide spectrum of aspects of DILIGENT and gLite. It captures the development of both a user interface (front-end) and a servicing entity (back-end) that provide different forms of search over various collections of metadata.

Step-by-step realisation

  1. Build prototype XML-based search facility consisting of a user interface and a back-end service on a legacy platform, employing selected protocols.
  2. Build and consume inverted indices to provide full text search capability.
  3. Extend basic search service to multi-source distributed search.
  4. Identify and allocate large, real-life collections of metadata capable of bringing out performance and quality issues.
  5. Build and consume indices to enhance fielded search lookup performance and then evaluate system performance enhancement.
  6. Add advanced multi-source search, supporting services:
    1. Content Source Description and Selection
    2. Data Fusion
  7. Utilise gLite resource registry and monitoring infrastructure to register and discover processing and storage resources.
  8. Migrate metadata storage from legacy OS file system to the gLite middleware storage mechanism.
  9. Provide image-based similarity search by involving selected image feature extraction components and algorithms.
  10. Personalise visualisation of information.
  11. Selectively replace nodes of the scenario with DILIGENT service invocations: Metadata, Storage, Information Service, etc.


Last Updated ( Wednesday, 03 May 2006 )


DILIGENT is an Integrated Project funded in part by the European Commission FP6 IST Programme Read more...

Image and content sources, among others include : ESA Web Portal, Scuola Normale Superiore Image Gallery.